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As "life happens" our initial reaction comes from an unconscious level and is typically negative because our brains were physiologically designed to keep us safe so we can survive the harshest realities of life. This can often cause us to hold onto negative emotions like fear, frustration, worry, disgust, and sadness longer than we need to. This habit can lead us to partake in thought processes and behaviors that negatively impact the results we want to create in our lives. We may do this by assigning blame or making judgments about ourselves, other people or even the circumstances. We may also choose to shut down by avoiding difficult conversations or tasks, become hyper-vigilant to protect ourselves, or become restless through perpetual busyness, or maybe we take on the characteristics of a victim or martyr. These reactions are referred to as "being in effect."

When we are "in effect" life happens "TO" us as oppose to us choosing to influence our lives through productive thoughts and behaviors. When we consciously choose how to respond to whatever life throws our way, this is referred to as being "at cause." It is when we are "at cause," or making conscious choices, that we gain our personal power to positively impact our outcomes and ultimately our lives.

At this month’s EMPOWERED Lunch, you will have the opportunity to learn about being "in effect" and "at cause." We will explore how your thoughts drive action and ultimately create your outcome, which could be the self-fulfilling prophecy. You will be given a technique to help you reframe that initial thought so that you can have a positive outcome.

This month’s EMPOWERED Lunch will take place over Zoom. After purchasing your ticket you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting information. Be sure to purchase your ticket before 10am on Thursday, April 16!

Use this link to purchase your ticket


  1. Provide quick & efficient processes for improving busy leaders’ knowledge, skills,beliefs & habits.

  2. Create a supportive group of go-getters & level uppers who want to improve their influence & outcomes.

  3. Provide an opportunity to be held accountable as leaders become the person who consistently creates & sustains success.