If your leadership role feels more like babysitting and firefighting, THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!
If it feels like you are constantly reacting instead of proactively leading, THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!
If you arrive home after a long day with little to no energy and think to yourself "I was in motion all day long, but I didn't accomplish anything.", THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!
Join CPCC & ACC Certified Coach, Molly Christianson, as she examines time and stress management by sharing best practices of high-performing restaurant & retail leaders. By attending this workshop, attendees will learn how to spend their precious time, energy, and resources on activities that deliver results and move the team forward... and how to avoid spending it on the things that don't.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/retailers-quit-babysitting-firefighting-become-a-proactive-leader-tickets-147107972907 or by emailing Molly at Molly@EmpoweredCoaching.com
*For the sake of social distancing, seating is limited to 30 people.