3 Beliefs is All You Need to Succeed.

Yesterday I was fired up. I was sassy, playful and then suddenly I became very bold. A client said something that reflected a belief that was not serving him and it triggered something in me to address it in a BIG way. His comment was a great reminder of how easily our thoughts can derail us from taking action to achieve the goals we've set for ourselves.

Regardless of what you want to become, do, or have, you don't need anything more than what you already have. All you need is the right mindset. Our thoughts create our results. The quality of our thoughts determine the value we bring into the world; through the words we speak, the actions we take and the habits we create. If our thoughts are fear based:   fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of failure, feeling we're not good enough, feeling of unworthiness... any negative thought will repel our desires. When our thoughts are fear based we behave in ways that ensure that we won't achieve our goals. Instead of taking action, we may play the victim; sit at home all day long watching Netflix and eating ice cream instead of taking action that moves us closer to our goals.

There are three thoughts that when you've accepted them as true and they've become core beliefs for you, regardless of what action you take, they will create success for you. Those three beliefs are: 

               1.  I am valuable.

               2.  People want what I have to offer.

               3.  People are waiting for me right now.

Think about those for a moment. Let them sink in. If you were to believe those statements wholeheartedly, what would that create for you?

As I think about the people I've worked with, it seems that all of my clients either don't believe this about themselves or have simply forgotten. Coaching has provided them with the opportunity to explore their thoughts and realize that it is our thoughts that create our results, not the opposite. If results created our thoughts, we wouldn't have the thoughts necessary to take action. The reality is that the reason people aren't taking action is because they don't believe one or more of the above statements. Take a moment and let this sink in. Check your past for evidence.

If you were to view these statements as true beliefs, what would you be doing now? I guarantee that you'd be showing up differently. You'd be speaking up at meetings. You'd go out on that skinny branch and bet on yourself. You'd see what you're capable of. You'd make that phone call, send the email or complete the application. If you believe those statements to be true you would walk differently. You would capture the room when you entered.

You get to decide how you want to think about yourself. Your brain wants to keep you from believing that you are valuable, that people want what you have to offer because it knows that if you were to believe these 3 statements, that you would go out into the world and do amazing things. That would make the brain have to expend more energy because the brain's main job is to save energy so that it can keep you safe in case of an emergency. It wants to keep you average! Therefore, you need to CHALLENGE EVERY THOUGHT YOU HAVE.

Belief #1:  I am valuable.

If you don't know the value you bring or how to communicate it, then practice. Create a list of how you bring value and serve the people in your life (your family, business, team, clients (current or future)). If needed, ask people. Doing this will empower you because when you walk into a room or meeting, you'll know what you're bringing to the table. When we know our value, we show up differently. We speak differently and we act different. Feel into that.

Belief #2:  People want what you have to offer.

If you believe that people want what you have to offer, your demeanor shifts. You carry yourself in a different way and take action as a result. One of the best advice I was given by a coach was "Decide ahead of time that people will love you instead of waiting for people to tell you." Wow! This was mind-blowing. If you knew that people were going to love you no matter what, how would this belief change the way you enter a room? What actions would you take? Test this belief for the next week and see how transformational it can be. Remember, it is never about what we do, it is always about HOW we do it. When we believe that our family, employer, supervisor, team, clients already love us, we show up BIGGER and are more likely to create the results we seek.

Belief #3:  People are waiting for you right now.

If you believe this, you won't be sitting at home watching Netflix and eating ice cream. Rather you'd be hustling like you're late to the party. Compare it to getting ready to do your favorite activity whether that's going to a concert, hanging out a the local bar with your buddies, or going on a hot date with your spouse. Feel the anticipation and excitement of amazing things to come instead of the dreadful, awful thing that you have to get done today.

You may be questioning the title of this blog, that these 3 beliefs are all that you need in order to succeed. I challenge you to consider what's the worst that could happen if you chose to believe me? The worse thing that could happen is that you find yourself exactly in the same position that you're in now, desiring something different! Believe me, if you take on these statements as true beliefs, you will feel better. You will begin to take massive right-action and make progress towards becoming, doing and having what you desire. You could choose to believe that everything that happens is happening FOR you, that everything is a gift and opportunity. For example, if you didn't get the job you wanted or make the sale, you could choose to decide that this was actually a gift because now you're available for a better job or better, more ideal client.

Once you decide you are going to believe that you are valuable, that people want what you have to offer and that people are waiting for you, you get to practice these beliefs ALL OF THE TIME! If you struggle with any of them, let me know because I can help you. I've done the work and am now on the other side of transformation. I can see how these three beliefs have impacted not only my business, it has impacted my relationships, my health, my finances... ultimately, it has positively impacted my life. Believing in these beliefs and taking action based on them will create the results you seek. Or, you can continue to battle the negative thoughts and fears and work really hard. I'm telling you, push the easy button and hire a coach. Hire me! Reserve your consultation by emailing me at Molly@EmpoweredCoaching.com.