The Search for Purpose

A core strength of resilient people is the ability to find purpose and meaning in one’s life, work, and environment. Finding purpose and meaning is what will give you the drive to persist and even survive. According to psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, “Everything can be taken from a man, but one thing: the last of his human freedoms--to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances. To choose one’s way.” This sums up what other psychologists have found repeatedly: people with a deep sense of purpose are more resilient.


In addition to a deeper sense of well-being that is attached to finding meaning, having purpose also gives you a higher cognitive function. According to neuropsychologist Patricia Doyle, Ph.D., having purpose makes your brain stronger and even more resistant to diseases like Alzeihmer’s. Her research has found that those who reported stronger purpose exhibited higher levels of cognitive function. Additional research suggests that being able to find meaning in your experiences is key to resilience.

Finding your own purpose

If you struggle to find purpose everyday, consider these questions to help give yourself clarity and a mission related to quality of life, relationships, career, and deeper meaning:

  1. Why are you? Why do you exist? What do you think it means to be who you are? Why does your life matter?

  2. Why do you get up in the morning? What drives you to do what you do? What is the purpose behind your ambition?

  3. What troubles you? What keeps you awake at night? Why do you care? What makes you connected to these issues?

  4. When do you feel most alive? When do you feel most connected to your authentic self? What activities give your life a deeper purpose and how do you know?

  5. What is the meaning of success to you? What would it take for you to feel you had achieved success? How would you feel and how would you know?

  6. What gifts could you offer to a particular pursuit? In what pursuit could you feel a deep sense of purpose and belonging? How would you use your assets to contribute?

  7. Do you feel you can make a difference? Why or why not? What could you do today that would contribute to the life of another?

  8. Do you know your purpose already? Could you summarize your purpose in a single sentence? What would you need to know or to do to live more intentionally?

  9. If you lived with purpose would you change anything about your life? How would you restrict or pursue different activities? What do you think an older version of yourself would say to you about finding meaning in purpose in your life today?

If you want to learn more about giving your life meaning and purpose, consider revisiting these questions, practicing meditation around them or discussing them with your coach. You might find more clarity by giving yourself time and space to consider what really matters to you. If you are thinking about purpose around your professional life, you can also talk to your coach and consider ways that you can make your current position more meaningful and in line with your overall purpose and passions.

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